Resume and Qualification
A Highly Experienced and Passionate Educator
Teaching Philosophy

- 1994, Doctor of Education, Human Development, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, U, S. A.
- 1989, Master of Education, Child Development, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, U. S. A.
- 1986, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Soochow University 東吳大學, Taipei, Taiwan
- Academic 2008 - present, Massachusetts Licensed Educator, Professional, Foreign Language - Chinese, PreK - 9
- Academic 2014 - present, Massachusetts Licensed Educator, Professional, Foreign Language - Chinese, 5 -12
- Academic 2019 - present, Massachusetts Licensed Supervisor Director, Initial, Foreign Language, PreK - 12
- Academic 2021 - SEI - Teacher PreK-12 Professional Licenses, Endorsement
- Academic 2021 - SEI - Admin, PreK-12 Initial License, Endorsement
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) Program Review & Approval reviewer, 2021-2022 Formal Review cycle.
- Massachusetts World Languages Framework Review Panelist, Cultures Strand. (2019-2020). Massachusetts Curriculum Framework - World Languages, Grades Pre-Kindergarten to 12. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
- The Commonwealth Teaching Policy Follow. (2018-2019). Teach Plus.
- The NSLI-Y Program. (2016). "Relationship Building in Language Immersion" Virtual Event. [Website]. Retrieved Dec. 5, 2016, from . American Councils for International Education.
- The NSLI-Y Program. (2015). Connecting Students Abroad with Students at Home: Bringing Virtual Exchange to Physical Exchange. [Website]. Published by NSLI For Youth - Interactive. Retrieved from . American Councils for International Education.
- NSLI For Youth Scholarships to Study Language Abroad. (2014). "One Day in the Life in Taiwan" Featured classroom. Multimedia Presentations by Students on the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Program in Taiwan. [Website ]. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from . American Councils for International Education.
- Rivenburgh, Wendy (2013). Supporting High Quality Youth Media: Interview with Lead Educator Shan-Lee Liu Adobe Youth Voice Community. Retrieved from . Adobe Foundation
- Page, Dan (2013). Innovative Teaching for Accelerated Learning. Shan-Lee Liu: Giving Students the Power of Digital Media BLSA Bulletin.Spring 2013 P. 6-7. Retrieved from . Boston Latin School Association.
- Fulbright-Hays Chinese Language Pedagogy Assessment (CLPA) Project (2010).One of the 12 selected educators from the U.S. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and American Councils for International Education.
- 2022 - Graduate Professional Certificate: Neurodiversity and Learning Differences, Special Education, Specialization in Executive Function, Landmark College.
- 2021 - Graduate Professional Certificate: Neurodiversity and Learning Differences, Special Education, Specialization in Autism on Campus and Online, Landmark College.
- 2017 - Certificate: Superior, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Oral Proficiency Interview for Speaking - Mandarin, ACTFL
- 2016 - Instructional Technology Integration Graduate Professional Certificate for World Language Educators. Graduate Certificate Program from ACTFL & University of Maryland University College
- 2016 -American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, OPI Assessment Certificate - Chinese, Brigham Young University
2014 - 2015, Adobe Campus Leader
- . The Adobe Foundation.
2013 - 2019, Adobe Education Trainer
- Adobe Education Trainer Certificate for Shan-Lee Liu 2013.pdf .The Adobe Foundation.
2012 - Present, Adobe Lead Educator
- 2015, The Adobe Youth Voices Creative Educator Award, The Adobe Foundation & EDC Team
2009, Honored Senior Teacher Award 海華資深教師獎 The Association of Chinese Schools, the United States of America 美東中文學校協會
2003, Teacher Excellency Award 優良教師獎 The Boston Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce, Massachusetts, the United States of America
2015, Liu, Shan-Lee, Classroom website
2014, Liu, Shan-Lee ,
2013, Liu, Shan-Lee,
2013, Liu, Shan-Lee,
2012, Liu, Shan-Lee, MaFLA Poster Contest Wiki
2011, Liu, Shan-Lee, MaFLA Conference Session Presentation Wiki
2011, Liu, Shan-Lee,
2011- 2023 honorably retired in July, Boston Latin School, Boston Public Schools
- Modern Foreign Languages Department, Chinese Languages and Cultures, Comprehensive Chinese, Grade 7-12
2007-2011, Jackson-Mann K-8 School, Boston Public Schools
- Foreign Language Chinese Teacher - Advanced Work Classes, Grade 4-6 and Middle School, Grade 6-8
2004-2010 The Chinese Language School, 中華語文學校
- Bilingual Chinese Teacher - Regular bilingual classes for heritage Chinese students and the bilingual classes for including learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language students, Grade 6-12.
2000-2007, Boston Public Schools - The Timilty Middle School, the Jackson-Mann School, the Ellis Elementary School, the Winthrop Elementary School and the Farragut Elementary School
- Foreign Language Chinese Teacher in five schools - Advanced Work Classes (AWC), Grade 4-6
1999-2000, Boston Public Schools
- The Josiah Quincy Upper School. Foreign Language Chinese Teacher for 6th grade, Grade 6-12.
- 1997-1999, Cambridge Public Schools
- The Martin Luther King K-8 School. Foreign Language Chinese Teacher for kindergarten to second grade, Grade K-8
1991-1992, Harvard University
- The Oxford Street Daycare Cooperative. Infant Head Teacher, Age 6 months to 1 and half years old, Infant to preschool.
1989-1990, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- School of Education, Teaching Assistant
- Course: “Pre-Practicum: Child Study”
- Course: “Child Study and Diversity”
1988-1989, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- The New World Day School, Administrative Assistant
- The Grass Root Day School, Teaching Assistant, Age 3 to 5
2019 - Present, Member, ACTFL Award Committee
- ACTFL IALLT Technology in K-12 Award Committee
2014 - Present, Member, Board of Directors
- Powers Music Schools, Belmont, MA
2009 - Present, Member, Board of Directors
- New England Chinese Teachers Association (NECTA), 新英格蘭中文教師專業協會
2010 - 2013, Member, Board of Directors
- Chinese Strand, Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA)
1999 - 2012, Member, Steering Committee
Foreign Language Department, Belmont Public Schools
2012 - Present
Committee member, Chinese (Mandarin) Content Advisory Committee for the Massachusetts Tests for Educators Licensure (MTEL), Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
2012 - Present,
- Subcommittee member, The world language content area pedagogy subcommittee, the High Expertise Teaching Projet (HET), Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
2011 - Present,
- Manuscript reviewer, Social Development
2019, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Connectors: Effective Bridges between Chinese and English. [Book]. [Website]. United States Register of Copyrights. March 12, 2019. Second Edition.
2018, Liu, Shan-Lee
- . Languages and Technology to Extend our World and Expand our Mind. [Apps]. The 46th Annual Conference of Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association (MaFLA) . Chinese Strand. Session J13. October 27, 2018.
2018, Liu, Shan-Lee
- 科技中文與智慧教學. Association of Chinese Schools. The 45th Annual Conference Proceeding. P. 39. Boston Massachusetts , May 26-27. 2018
2015, Liu Shan-Lee
- My Story: Storytelling using Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Elements, Presenter and Captivate with Success. [Website]. March 25, 2015. Adobe Education Exchange. Retrieved from
2014, Liu, Shan-Lee
Connectors: Effective Bridges between Chinese and English. [Book]. Register of Copyrights. United States of America. February 23, 2015. First Edition.
2014, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Creating E-Portfolio for Success:Website Design for Educators using Adobe Muse CC. [website}. October 24,2014. Adobe Education Exchange. Retrieved from
2014, Liu, Shan-Lee
- 中庸之道:結合數位平台與中華文化創造二十一世紀中文教學的新紀元 The Middle way: Creating 21st century Chinese language teaching and learning with digital media and classic Chinese culture. The 41st Annual Association of Chinese Schools Conference Publication. p.19.
2013, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- Collaboration with Digital Media: Creativity and Innovation across Disciplines MaFLA Annual Conference, p. 21
2012, Liu, Shan-Lee, Bell, Daval James & Gutierrez, Danieel
- AYV Essentials Webinar - Manage Youth Production: Strategies that Work, Retrieved from
2012, Liu, Shan-Lee & Kane, Anthony J.
- Confucius and Exemplary Teaching: Connecting the East and the West 君子以身作則 Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association Fall Conference Program, P. 12
2011, Liu, Shan-Lee
- A Window to Myself and the World: Chinese Language Pedagogy Assessment Trip 2010 Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association ( ), Winter Edition, 2011, p.19
2010, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Lesson Design for Every Student 量身定做的課程設計. Effective Practices in the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language, 2010Conference Publication, 有效華語教學研討會, Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University
2006, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Q & A: What do you think is the best method of assessment in the language classroom?The Language Educator, Vol. I, Issue 4
1994, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- Parental attitudes and expectations toward childrearing and filial piety: Harmony and conflict between two generations among Taiwanese families Doctoral Dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
2018, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association (MaFLA) annual conference. Chinese Strand. . Languages and Technology to Extend our World and Expand our Mind. Presented on October 27, 2018.
2017, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association (MaFLA). Proficiency for All Students. Annual Conference. Chinese Strand. . Presented on October 28, 2017.
2017, Liu, Shan-Lee
- BPS-BTU Teacher Summer Institute. (2017). Proficiency in Languages and Technology for all Children. [Website]. Retrieved September 26 from
2016, Liu, Shan-Lee & Students
- The NSLI-Y Program. (2016). Relationship Building in Language Immersion. Virtual Event. [Website]. Retrieved Dec. 5, 2016 from
2016, Scott, N. McChane, K. Wright, A. & Liu, S. L.
- Learn Teach Lead: A BPS Digital Learning Summit. (2016). Presented at Session 3: Google Classroom Implementation and Strategies Panel.[Website]. Retrieved from
2015, Liu, Shan-Lee & Students
- The NSLI-Y Program. (2015). Connecting Students Aboard with Students at Home: Bringing Virtual Exchange to Physical Exchange. [Website]. Published by NSLI For Youth - Interactive. Invited as an educator speaker. Retrieved from
2014, Liu, Shan-Lee & Students
- NSLI For Youth Scholarships to Study Language Abroad.(2014). One Day in the Life in Taiwan. Featured classroom. Multimedia Presentations by Students on the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Program in Taiwan. [Website ] Retrieved November 20, 201 from
2013, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Collaboration with Digital Media: Creativity and Innovation across Disciplines. Presented at the 2013 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association Annual Conference
2012, Liu, Shan-Lee & Kane, Anthony J.
- Confucius and Exemplary Teaching: Connecting the East with the West. Presented at the 2012 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association Annual Conference
2011, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Apply AAPPL into the Everyday Mandarin Chinese Classroom. Presented at the 2011 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association Annual Conference
2010, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Lesson design for every student. Presented at the semi-annual conference of the New England Chinese Teachers Association
2009, Liu, Shan-Lee
- What’s next? Best technology for better communication in Mandarin Chinese. Presented at the 2009 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association annual conference
2008, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- Are we there yet? Life-long learning for non-heritage Chinese speakers. Presented at the 2008 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association annual conference
2007, Cheng, Jill, Liu, Shan-Lee & Hwang, Mei-Ju
- Strategies for teaching Chinese to children in grade K-6. Presented at the 2007 Conference of Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
2005, Liu, Shan-Lee & Watt, John
- The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Ingtai and its significance for later generations 蝴蝶夢: 梁山伯與祝英台. Presented at the Primary Source Summer Institute - Flight of the peacock: Exploring Chinese literature
2005, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Filial Piety in the Modern Chinese language classroom 孝順與現代中文教學. Presented at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language
2004, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- Teaching classic Chinese theories in modern Chinese language classes 結合中國古典文學與現代中文教學. Presented at the 38th Conference of Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
2004, Liu, Shan-Lee
- 在歷史的脈絡下學習中國語言和文化. Presented at the 美東中文學校協會二零零四年教學會議
2003, Liu, Shan-Lee & Wu, Hai-Ming
- From silk road to Baghdad 從絲路到巴格達. Presented at the 37th Conference of Massachusetts Foreign Language Association.
1996, Liu, Shan-Lee & Craig, Grace J.
- From filial piety to filial maturity: Identities of Taiwanese families in transition. Presented at the XIV biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development at the Quebec City, Canada
1996, Liu, Shan-Lee
- Negotiation and transformation: Intergenerational relationships throughout lifetime. Presented at the conference, The Child at Context, School of Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
1996, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- Negotiation and transformation: Future of Asian Americans in the making. Presented at the Asian American Conference, Amherst College
1995, Liu, Shan-Lee,
- From filial piety to filial maturity: Identity of Asian Americans in transition. Presented at the 12th National Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, Oakland, CA. University of California, Berkeley.
This resume was last updated on October 1, 2023, by Shan-Lee Liu, Ed. D.